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How to build a work culture of zero tolerance for Workplace and Sexual Harassment (AHLS)?

August 2019 - 2021

We work with Employees, Unions and Contractors to design, model and implement a comprehensive program with a restorative approach to prevent and address cases of Labor and Sexual Harassment and Harassment in the different mining units that serve more than 15,000 people.


In order to achieve better labor welfare that would address the psychosocial risks at the rate of NOM 035 and that in turn contemplate the sensitive issue of gender, a participatory process was designed for the co-creation of a model of prevention and care of Harassment and Labor and Sexual Harassment.

We design a comprehensive program that considers:

  1. A care protocol attached to the corresponding state regulations

  2. Figure of person commissioned in charge of following up on the care protocol

  3. Formation of commissions that review and evaluate cases jointly

  4. Communication campaign that reinforces the implemented actions. 

  5. Education and training for more than 2,500 people

We start from an active research methodology in which we define the problem with an integrative perspective (anthropological study on site, office research, review of legislation by state, review of existing programs and communication) coupled with participatory sessions with local communities and validation with the organization's legal apparatus.

The spectrum of participants includes the different mining units in Chihuahua, Sonora and Aguascalientes and corporate areas in Mexico City, as well as the integration of the union and the different contractors.

In addition to the training and awareness workshops, a web application was created to train massively to inform, evaluate and open the largest base of contractors to participation in an orderly manner. 


Raising awareness both in the workshops, with communication and personalized attention is having a direct impact on a change in daily habits that are reflected in more inclusive processes, more openness and security in complaints and a full recognition of the institutional effort to support a culture of zero tolerance.

The model focused on the development of institutional capacities to establish an accessible, confidential and fair process at the three levels: employees, union members and contractors to cover a population of more than 19,000 people.



Fresnillo plc


Strategy for prevention and attention to Workplace and Sexual Harassment of Fresnillo plc.


Research, strategy, capacity building and communication.


Chihuahua, Sonora, Aguascalientes, CDMX


12 months 


Our experience

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